Tuesday 20 December 2011

Another picture nearly finished, another one sold...

The latest oil painting is nearly finished, needs just a little bit more work...need another person who wants a cute cat picture to hang on their wall!
And the muse meanwhile is fast asleep!

Monday 28 November 2011

My focus of late has been the many funny animals around the site at Beamish...been doing sketches and will soon be moving on to little ink prints.

Printing is a lot of fun!  Although the pit village cat nearly walked right through the ink tray...

Monday 12 September 2011

And another scene..

Another Beamish scene, with long shadows in the Pit Village -

Dark nights are drawing in, time for painting!

Finally got a bit more time to settle at my painting desk now that the nights are getting darker...
Here's a little Beamish scene -

Tuesday 8 March 2011

and yet another oil completed...

Here's a picture that has been work in progress for a long time but finally finished it off over the weekend, shown before....
and after, finished off.

This and other original paintings will soon be for sale through my website at very affordable prices - I need the space at home!

Monday 21 February 2011

Another one done...and website in production!

And here it is, finally finished!  Although the brush strokes are messy, I think the overall effect works and am pleased with the end result.
My very clever mum had been building a website for me to use as an online portfolio and shop, and it is very nearly done - watch this space!

Monday 17 January 2011

One picture nearly complete and one half way through....

This picture is very nearly finished, but the figures are proving tricky.  It’s a good job that oils can be scraped back and re-worked!

Stages of development of the winter canal scene.  The detail of the bare tree branches will be the next challenge, to indicate them without over doing it.